Tianfu Center

Planetworks’ second tower for China Merchant marks the start of China's Overland Silk Road. Set within a park, Its form and materiality is more earthy than its sister tower, connecting the urban expanse with the tranquility of nature.

LOCATION: Chengdu I China

CLIENT: China Merchant

PROGRAMS: Headquaters+Hotel+Retail

SCALE: 255,200 m2 / 396 m


The Tianfu Center Headquarters Tower reimagines the traditional concept of a tower in the park by creating a park within a tower. Drawing inspiration from Chengdu’s famous courtyards and relaxed outdoor lifestyle, the design centers around the idea of a vertical oasis that fosters a deep connection between occupants and nature.

The tower serves as a landmark destination that celebrates the rich history of the Silk Road, serving as a beacon of cultural exchange and fostering a sense of historic pride.

The Beacon

Nestled inland, away from the coastal winds that shaped its sister tower, the Supertall at Tianfu Park embraces its natural setting. This sheltered location allowed Planetworks to experiment with creating an indoor-outdoor bioclimate—the world's highest botanical garden—at the tower's crown. This lush oasis at the top not only symbolizes the tower's integration with the natural environment but also offers a tranquil retreat in the heart of the city.

Tower promotes community engagement with spaces such as public plazas and commercial streets, boosting the area’s livability and vitality. A terraced podium cascades towards the park, effortlessly blending the built environment with nature and improving the comfort of those within.


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